Fill out a new Petition to Modify. Write "Amended" above "Petition to Modify" on the first page and check the "and Stipulation" box.You can file a Motion for Temporary Order with or after you file a petition to modify a divorce or custody decree. Yes, ORS can change existing judicial child support orders. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. A Motion for Temporary Orders asks the court to deal with important issues while you wait for the final hearing. By statute, the parent who is moving must give the non-custodial parent 60 days' notice of their intent to move. Rule 106 specifically states that "The judgment, order or decree sought to be modified remains in effect during the pendency of the petition. When you think it is an emergency that requires a temporary order, you can file an ex parte motion. Generally you cannot get temporary orders to change child custody and child support absent a showing of immediate and irreparable harm.