A temporary restraining order (TRO) is a short-term emergency order. To request one, you must already have an open case on file with the court.A civil stalking injunction is a court order that tells the respondent that they may not stalk the petitioner, may not contact or go near the petitioner. (b)(2)Form of order. The county need only establish the violation to obtain the injunction. 3. Myriad appeals from a decision of the District Court for the District of Utah denying Myriad's motion for preliminary injunction. Below you will find 678 unique forms. The average form is 3 pages long, with 94 fields per page. Utah Courts may grant a Temporary Restraining Order as a form of relief when they determine there will be irreparable injury to a party if they do not act. On March 10, 2014, the district court denied Myriad's motion for preliminary injunction.