To file your Motion for custody modification in the Juvenile Court, fill out the Virginia Form DC-630, which is the "Motion to Amend or Review Order." Learn about the types of orders the courts can issue and how to modify and enforce them.Plus, how to be sure you're following your court orders correctly. To request a modification, the requesting parent must demonstrate a material change in circumstances since the previous custody order was issued. A custody or visitation order may be amended when the situation warrants, but not just at your convenience it takes more than that. This is not a motion for further temporary orders, but a motion to modify temporary orders. The Virginia Judicial System has a number of forms for each court available on the court's form page. The state's family law judges are willing to consider changes in parental circumstances as a basis to modify a Virginia custody agreement. If you or the abuser wish to change the terms of the order, a motion to modify can be filed. If you wish to cancel the order, a motion to dismiss can be filed.