This article discusses registering other states' custody and support orders in Texas so that Texas courts can change and enforce them. To file your Motion for custody modification in the Juvenile Court, fill out the Virginia Form DC-630, which is the "Motion to Amend or Review Order."A TRO lasts for 14 days or until your temporary orders hearing, whichever is sooner. You will need to file a Complaint for Modification if the father of your child does not agree with changing the school. A parent must file a modification lawsuit in the court in the county where the child lives. Sec. 156.006. TEMPORARY ORDERS. I live in the US. My order began in PA and moved to NJ. If I failed to produce the children for visitation I would be in contempt of court. The custodial parent passed away. 1. Fill out the forms. You have to fill out at least 2 forms, maybe more, to file your opposition.