All California courts use the same basic set of forms for civil harassment restraining orders. You can find the most commonly-used forms on this page.The San Bernardino Superior Court offers you this free online program to fill out the forms to request or respond to a Domestic Violence Restraining Order. Find out how to get a protection order, additional domestic violence resources and victims' rights. The forms are as follows: Form CLETS-001, Form DV-100, Form DV-109, Form DV-110. The process of filing for a Domestic Violence Protective Order or a Civil No-Contact Order can be broken down into six general steps. Steps to Obtain a Domestic Violence Protection Order (50B Order) or a Restraining Order (50C Order). Filing a restraining order is stressful and complicated. You should refer to the Can a Civil Harassment Restraining Order Help Me Information Sheet (CH-100 INFO), seek legal advice or consult an attorney. Visit CourtHelp to learn more about Domestic Violence.