This act was passed to assert the authority of the British government to tax its subjects in North America after it repealed the much-hated Stamp Act. On March 18, 1766, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act and passed the Declaratory Act.A term of court is a four-week session of court, and there shall be 13 terms of court in a year, unless otherwise provided in the annual schedule of terms. On March 18, 1766, George III approved Parliament's repeal of the Stamp Act and its passage of the Declaratory Act. British King George III approved the repeal of the Stamp Act and passed the Declaratory Act on March 18, 1766. March 18: The Declaratory Act. 1767. June 29: The Townshend Revenue Act. (30) days of the date the recommendation was due. Frequently running out, due to poor supply management. The County Clerk's Office will stamp the Judgment with the date it was entered into their records.