Use this program to ask (or "petition") the Family Court to change a support order if there is a "change in circumstances." If you or the other side want to ask the court to do something in a case, you must ask in written court papers called a Motion or an Order to Show Cause.I have a restraining order with my ex and I want it modified or dropped how is the best way to go about writing the judge. It's basically a motion with an affidavit, and it's something the court clerk can provide a form for or a local lawyer can prepare. Customer. Requests filed after fourteen (14) days will be treated as a motion to modify the temporary order. This is not a motion for further temporary orders, but a motion to modify temporary orders. What form is needed for an emergency change of custody in wayne county mi. Can I find that motion form on 3rdcc website? Each of the documents listed below inculde a blank form and the instructions to fill out that form. He filed a motion for modification.