A unique application of customizable commercial real estate contract templates, including Purchase and Sale, Lease, and Listing agreements. Seller agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller, subject to the terms, covenants and conditions set forth herein.Below you will find information about the services we offer online, and in-person at our Oakland and Tri-Valley office locations. I want to show you how to do this simple contract there is a simple contract in transaction desk that you can use for a commercial deal. This Agreement shall serve to outline and define the scope of Broker's services in representing the. This contract is in transaction desk and is the standard contract for commercial properties. This Agreement shall serve to outline and define the scope of Broker's services in representing the. Sellers who need help in completing their disclosure obligations should consult with their own qualified,. Mr. Young was the Director of Construction for SyWest Development, a commercial real estate developer. Download INTERNATIONAL SALE CONTRACT sample in Word format.