Learn everything you need to know about the delivery process for CME FX futures contracts. A foreign currency forward contract is a legally binding obligation to purchase or sell a specified quantity of foreign currency on a fixed future date.View contract and exchange details to help you trade FX futures and options. This Comment argues that a smart contract used as an international sales contract, which embodies an entire agreement within its code, is valid under the CISG. This Tax Alert provides an updated list of foreign currencies that are traded on qualified futures markets for purposes of beginning the analysis Importing Into the United States provides wide-ranging information about the importing process and import requirements. A lack of actual trading in the RFC affects whether an OTC contract can be considered a Section 1256 contract. 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) governs domestic transactions in goods. The Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law was approved in 1896, and soon enacted in every state. IICLE offers Illinois lawyers effective practice guidance and CLE credit in a variety of formats.