The purpose of the CISG is to provide a modern, uniform and fair regime for contracts for the international sale of goods. In economics, we use elasticity to measure the responsiveness of buyers and sellers relative to the change in the price of goods and services.Elasticity measures how sensitive demand or supply is to changes in other variables like price. Elasticity shows how sensitive quantity is to a change in price. Pent up demand in housing has resulted in an increase in recent housing prices. In this section, we will explore the relative elasticity of different markets. Undermines handler equity between processors of ESL products as they do not have equal raw milk costs for products competing for sales in the same month. If the demand is elastic, producers are likely to gain. Of the contract for such goods sold under comparable circumstances in the trade concerned. Finished Goods climbed 6.2 percent in 2007, after inching up 1.1 percent in 2006.