Subject to the regulations in the order confirmation, we won´t increase prices within the first 6 months effective from the conclusion of the contract. The Buyer undertakes to pay the total price which appears in the present Contract.The prices do not include the statutory VAT; the VAT is stated in the invoice separately at the applicable rate at the date of invoice. These overriding terms of sale (these "Terms") shall be effective as of date of final signature below. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER: This purchase order (Order) is Buyer's agreement with Seller to purchase or license the Items listed in this Order. The client acknowledges and accepts that the advertised price may change during the course of the order if the third party supplier itself changes its prices. Headquartered in Waltham, Mass. Family members and friends have begun identifying the 14 people who died in the truckramming attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Consider a common sale of goods transaction. The Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman seems to be happy with the market's new wisdom regarding the path of interest rates going forward.