"Contract for sale" includes both a present sale of goods and a contract to sell goods at a future time. Bank of Texas's Foreign Exchange and Advisory Services Group can help execute a foreign currency exposure plan and hedging strategy to help you compete.In an international sale agreement, one of the most critical elements to define clearly is the price and payment terms between the buyer and seller. This document contains proposed regulations that define the term "foreign currency contract" under section 1256 of the Internal Revenue Code. This tariff search tool allows you to search duty rates MFN (standard) and Free Trade Agreement (preferential) as well as local taxes for over 170 countries. In a future trading contract, you're legally bound to make the trade. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts The Texas Comptroller's office is the state's chief tax collector, accountant, revenue estimator and treasurer. The contract of sale is the backbone of international trade in all countries, irrespective of their legal tradition or level of economic development. The goods are exported to the buyer's port named in the sales contract. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) evaluated the CyraCom.