AI-powered contract management systems leverage the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to streamline the contract management process. With AI, you can upload, review, modify, and send a new contract version out for approval in five minutes.Ian King speaks with Monish Darda, Founder and CTO of Icertis on how generative AI is revolutionizing the way businesses handle contracts. Luminance's end-to-end AI platform enhances every touchpoint a business has with its contracts, from generation to negotiation and post-execution analysis. The King's Institute for Artificial Intelligence is welcoming applications to its affiliate scheme. Allied Universal provides integrated security services that combine security personnel, technology, and a variety of professional services. As one interviewee put it, 'contract is king. AI: Legal Déjà Vu or Revolution? The product, aimed at corporate and commercial lawyers in law firms and companies, can suggest contract language and negotiation points. King's is a member of the Turing University Network.