Retailers engaged in business in California must register with the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) and pay the state's sales tax. If you purchase tangible personal property for resale, the transaction is not subject to sales or use tax provided the sale is properly documented.What products are exempt from the Los Angeles sales tax rate? The Seller's Permit will enable you to collect and pay sales tax for the items that you sell, and is required from both wholesalers and retailers. Our free online guide for business owners covers California sales tax registration, collecting, filing, due dates, nexus obligations, and more. Certain goods are exempt from sales tax in Los Angeles. This tax does not all go to the state, though. In general, businesses which provide a service that does not result in a tangible good are exempt from sales tax, as it only applies to goods. All sales of goods, wares or merchandise at retail, unless otherwise listed, are taxed under Section 21.44 (LGR2) of the Business Tax Ordinance. Very broad category of food items available at groceries are exempt from sales tax upon purchase.