This page is for Maricopa area locals to post items for sale, services for hire, items they are looking to purchase or items they are giving away. Have a few items not getting used that maybe someone else can use.Feel free to ask about prices and shoot a offer. The purpose of the Certificate is to document the purchase of tangible personal property for resale in the purchaser's regular course of business. If you are a food handler in Maricopa County or in the state of Arizona, you are required to complete a food safety course that is approved for use in Arizona. Regional digital billboard campaign will alert residents and visitors in Maricopa County, AZ of lifesaving heat relief resources and realtime temperatures. This turnkey operation has delighted customers for decades, offering unique and customizable products that stand out in the market. Buying and selling foreign exchange (forex) is a fascinating topic. It includes knowing what to buy and sell and when to do so. In total, 3,178 people in the age group died from drug overdoses from 2020 through 2022.