ONLY Electronic responses will be accepted for this solicitation. Learn more about what the rate and fee information might be.General Rules Applicable to All Proceedings. This form can be filed in person at any of the Utah Division of Water Rights offices, mailed to those offices, or submitted online with a credit card payment. The CMPD Crime Prevention Unit has put together a few tips on various ways to protect yourself in given situations. The Charlotte County Clerk of Courts now conducts all tax deed auctions online beginning at AM. Bidders may register to view and bid on tax deeds. Checked out of the Alberta Facility library and 616 out of the Mecklenburg Facility library. All temporaries are limited to one NC State Government temporary assignment at a time. ? According to Bankrate, credit card skimming has become a worldwide problem. GSA SmartPay®2 is the largest government charge card program in the world.