Security and Fire Protection Services, 99SWC-S1820, Nancy Feser, (775) 531-3319. Security Patrol Services, 99SWC-S1553, Annette Morfin, (775) 531-3301.I am pretty set on doing a 4 year contract. But everyone is telling me to do a 6 year contract since there will be more benefits and you rank up faster. The purpose of these pages is to inform contractors and prospective contractors how to do business with Nellis and Creech AFBs. This contract provides both armed and unarmed security guard services, patrol, and random marked-vehicle stops as needed throughout the state. We are always seeking personnel to fill all job titles. If you qualify, we have a unique opportunity to become a pilot or navigator. I'm curious what y'all think about the MG contract and if this would be a good path to follow, With extreme dedication I want to reach MARSOC as the priority. The Air Force Reserve offers the perfect opportunity to balance both.