The author's model is simpler, shorter, and, in the author's opinion, easier to use. State agencies are reminded that they must provide the Contractor an opportunity to match the non-contract savings at least two business days prior to purchase.Purchase and Sale Agreement. A purchase and sale agreement is a contract between a buyer and seller for transacting a property in exchange for a specific price. The property and improvements which the Seller is agreeing to sell and which the Purchaser is agreeing to purchase is known as. A fully executed purchase agreement is a document that contains the terms of an agreement between two parties, typically for the sale of goods. This article contains everything you need to understand to complete your product supply agreement. Learn about real estate purchase agreements and review tips for agents to protect buyers with well-prepared real estate contracts and negotiations. Learn about real estate purchase agreements and review tips for agents to protect buyers with well-prepared real estate contracts and negotiations. Operations Contract Agreement Conditions.