The purpose of the CISG is to provide a modern, uniform and fair regime for contracts for the international sale of goods. Important facts to know when completing your business license: • License Due Date: Renew annually on.Sales Agreement for Buying a Business The sales agreement is the key document to finalize the purchase of the business. The CISG, which deals with both contract formation and the obligations of the parties, carefully balances the interests of the buyer and seller. Sunbelt Business Brokers of Riverside County will search thousands of business-for-sale listings to find the business for you. This guide is modeled after the UC Berkeley Guide to Contracting (2015) with updates specific to the UC Riverside (UCR) contracting environment. Find the best international law attorney serving Riverside County. You'll file this with the Riverside County Clerk, then have the statement published in the Palo Verde Valley Times. It consists of a contract for the international sale of goods with comments and suggestions in the margin. Find your future, and start your job search now.