For all BAI's requiring a position to be filled with an Employment Contract a template will be used to avoid having to submit multiple BAIs, whenever possible. This Agreement is entered into between the State Agency and the Contractor named below: STATE AGENCY'S NAME.The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: A. VENDOR'S proposal dated January 12, 2016. SYNOPSIS: The current contract for security guard services will expire. Disclaimer: This document integrates San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District's State Water. DB contract was awarded to Lane-Security Paving Joint Venture in August 2018. UCCAP Informal Bidding. Since incorporation in 1977, law enforcement services in the City have been provided through a contract with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. Contract, in writing, to allow Contractor to complete all requirements in the Contract under the following conditions: a. UCCAP Informal Bidding.