San Diego Municipal Code section 22.4225 requires each Bidder to fill out and file a living wage certification with the Living. INSTRUCTIONS. This checklist is designed as a tool to assist you and the court in processing your judgment.It may not include all of the information. This document is designed as a tool to assist a party(ies) with processing a judgment. Complete and turnin an incident report for all incidents involving a security officer that results in personal injury. (5) Costs associated with completing the SOW when it reasonably appears that the unexpended funds for the SOW are insufficient to cover the cost of completion. There is no specific provision in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure relating to security for costs. For security camera and patrol services at eight properties the San Diego Housing Commission owns in the city of San Diego. Guidance for Direct Costs. Complete and turnin an incident report for all incidents involving a security officer that results in personal injury.