Here you will find information on benefits available to City employees and their eligible dependents. Please see below for more details.The bonus awards for the TEAG and Lateral Hiring Bonus Programs would be distributed over a three to fouryear period in a phased approach. Newly hired employees shall only be entitled to one ( 1) recruitment bonus based on date of hire. Alameda CTC displays the pay scale for each position in the form of an allowable range. Alameda County and member districts that participate in ACERA's pension plan are referred to as participating employers. OCERS staff continue to make progress on implementing the Alameda Decision. Benefit recalculations are ongoing, with approximately 220 (out of 616) remaining. Supplement Workers Compensation Insurance Benefits, up to the full rate of pay, until such accumulated sick leave or vacation leave due is exhausted. Alameda Unified School District offers comprehensive health and welfare insurance plans to our employees.