Bonus probation period = 720 hours working, does not include any paid or unpaid benefit time. This employee bonus policy template is ready to be tailored to your company's needs and can be a starting point for setting up your employment policies.Annual Bonuses: Paid out in the first quarter of the following fiscal year. This timing allows for a comprehensive review of the previous year's performance. Apply to Delivery Driver, Nursing Assistant, Production Worker and more! The lawsuit is the perfect jumping off point to have a serious discussion about the size of too many of these Airport Authority bonuses and salaries. Resources for Department Chairs: Fall 2024 Dates and Deadlines, Oct. 15: Program Assessment Plans for 2024-2025 due on Watermark, Nov. In this guide, we'll provide a general overview of Pennsylvania's employment and benefits regulations for small to mid-sized businesses. Use Black or Blue Ink Only: Do not use pencil or red ink when completing form. 10.