This New York bonus tax calculator uses supplemental tax rates to calculate withholding on special wage payments such as bonuses. The Bonus Calculator Form Template from WPForms helps calculate bonuses based on multiple factors like tenure, performance, and company profitability.This bonus calculation is intended to use in my workshop where i have 4 diffeent people with different job descriptions. Step 1: Complete the taxpayer information section. This bonus tax aggregate calculator uses your paycheck amount to apply the correct withholding rates to special wage payments, such as bonuses. Use this free New York mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payments and annual amortization. I can provide a sample of the spreadsheet if required. Keep your personal or small business mail safe with a Post Office Box™ (PO Box™), a locked mailbox within a Post Office™ facility. Im here really struggling at the moment. If you require assistance related to your account, please contact us.