Rationale for Award: Provide a brief explanation of why the bonus is being awarded. I am writing to formally request the payment of the unpaid Quakerly bonus, which I believe I am entitled to as per our employment agreement.This bonus announcement sample letter may be used as a memo to all workers or to an individual employee. This employee bonus policy template is ready to be tailored to your company's needs and can be a starting point for setting up your employment policies. The signing bonus is taxable, all regular payroll taxes will be withheld. Understanding California Employment and Compensation Law. The terms of the employee handbook are clear, and I am presuming they form part of your contract. To inform employees about their bonus, you can send a bonus letter. A common example of an incentive is the signon bonus given when a new employee accepts an employment offer. A former employee will be ineligible for benefits if he or she is out of work for one of the following reasons: 1.