You can use bonus letters to inform team members of bonuses for individual achievement or companywide bonuses that go out to the entire staff. Want to know how to make your employees feel valued?Select a bonus letter example that truly speaks to them with our template and guide. On the letters that I received it is said that the bonus is part of the company's Employee Retention Program. The simplest way to solve this is to open another account with LinkedIn, and resubmit your cover letter with the correct resume. 1-2 The term "Teachers," as used in this Agreement, shall refer to all licensed staff members eligible for membership in the Clark County Education Association. How to Apply section of the job announcement to find out which resume format and documents are accepted and how to submit them to the hiring agency. Approval of the Consent Agenda. A. City Council Meeting Minutes from October 27, 2024 including the Closed Session Minutes. • Letter or video of a university professional's support for chapter winning this award (15) .