This employee bonus policy template is ready to be tailored to your company's needs and can be a starting point for setting up your employment policies. Consider these performance bonus examples to improve employee productivity and achieve your business objectives.This bonus announcement sample letter may be used as a memo to all workers or to an individual employee. In this article, we discuss how to write a bonus request letter and provide an example letter for you to use as a reference. Comprehensive guide on the format and template for an annual bonus announcement letter, informing employees about their bonuses. This template shows the different steps of preparing a bonus plan for your company. On bonus is a discretionary bonus that serves as a recruitment incentive. Sign-on Bonuses: Provided to new hires to attract top talent, especially for roles that are critical or hard to fill. Receives multiple files from the same Charter School, the last file received will replace the previous file. (Looking for activities for teaching kids self-control?