This employee bonus policy template is ready to be tailored to your company's needs and can be a starting point for setting up your employment policies. As many organizations enter another salary budget planning phase, pay raises are expected to trend down on average, causing the bonus to trend up in importance.Our Bonus Tracking Software offers a comprehensive solution for managing and tracking employee bonuses and incentive programs. MEG Business shares the best practices and various ways to give holiday bonuses to employees of your small business. An incentive bonus agreement is a contract between an employer and employee that details information about a cash bonus offered as an incentive. I am new in the role and all I have to work with is an excel spreadsheet with all the current salaries and the bonuses paid last year. " if they aren't giving out cash bonuses, ask why. You can rename these pay items, or create new pay items to suit your needs. Base Salary = Annual Salary divided in half any bonuses or overtime pay received in the vesting period. Example: Annual Salary = 50k.