Want to know how to make your employees feel valued? Select a bonus letter example that truly speaks to them with our template and guide.I am writing to formally request the payment of the unpaid Quakerly bonus, which I believe I am entitled to as per our employment agreement. Learn how to write effective fundraising letters that inspire more support from donors. Explore best practices and templates in this comprehensive guide. On behalf of XYZ Team, I request you to award bonus for the entire team since they have worked very hard throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. An incentive bonus agreement is a contract between an employer and employee that details information about a cash bonus offered as an incentive. A bonus plan is an agreement between the employer and employee to pay out a predetermined amount of money based on performance. In that case, the payment schedule outlined in the agreement or policy will determine the deadline for payment. HRAP Soldiers return home on permissive TDY for up to 14 days.