You can use bonus letters to inform team members of bonuses for individual achievement or companywide bonuses that go out to the entire staff. This bonus award letter sample provides a clear structure for communicating bonus awards to employees.View samples of chronological, combination, and functional résumé formats and layouts. This retention bonus is just one way for us to demonstrate how much we value you. On the letters that I received it is said that the bonus is part of the company's Employee Retention Program. Comprehensive guide on the format and template for an annual bonus announcement letter, informing employees about their bonuses. ORDER. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at A.M.. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR. Water Meters - Airport. Deny reenlistment in accordance with AFI 362606, Reenlistment and Extension of Enlistment in the United States Air Force. 1.5. Responder: Please complete the attached pages of the Cost Proposal Form, and return them with this cover page.