Want to know how to make your employees feel valued? Select a bonus letter example that truly speaks to them with our template and guide.In this article, we discuss how to write a bonus request letter and provide an example letter for you to use as a reference. This FREE set of 12 fluency pyramids is perfect decodable text practice for words with bonus letters (F, L, S, and sometimes Z) Dear {{ employee_first_name }},. I am pleased to inform you that your salary is being increased as of {{ salary_effective_date }}. Bonuses are considered paid when received so it must be included in the employee's income. If your employer promised a bonus based on your performance and you have met the criteria for the bonus, an employer must pay you. Boss accidentally handed me his bonus letter stuck to an envelope I needed. This product provides 8 worksheets that provide student practice with spelling rules for bonus letters in CVCC, CCVCC words.