You can employ a bonus letter template to formally recognize and reward an employee's outstanding performance or the achievement of specific, measurable goals. Comprehensive guide on the format and template for an annual bonus announcement letter, informing employees about their bonuses.On behalf of XYZ Team, I request you to award bonus for the entire team since they have worked very hard throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. An incentive bonus agreement is a contract between an employer and employee that details information about a cash bonus offered as an incentive. What is a Bonus Plan? A bonus plan is an agreement between the employer and employee to pay out a predetermined amount of money based on performance. This page contains Signing Bonus clauses in business contracts and legal agreements. We have organized these clauses into groups of similarly worded clauses. Guidelines for the administration of out-of-c1ass assignments and the bonus provisions of the. We understand that you would like to commute to San Diego from your home in the Los Angeles area on a temporary basis.