This article will provide some tips to help you create a bonus structure that suits your business and your employees. This employee bonus policy template is ready to be tailored to your company's needs and can be a starting point for setting up your employment policies.Comprehensive guide on the format and template for an annual bonus announcement letter, informing employees about their bonuses. What is a Bonus Plan? A bonus plan is an agreement between the employer and employee to pay out a predetermined amount of money based on performance. This article offers a complete template to help you establish a fair and competitive compensation structure. This Bonus Policy outlines the criteria and process for awarding bonuses to ensure transparency and fairness. Let's dive deeper into what exactly an employee bonus program is and your comprehensive guide to creating a winning employee bonus plan! This article takes a close look at the incentive bonus process, why some miss the point and how you might be able to adopt one that hits the target. In this post, we'll share how to build an employee incentive plan that works.