In this article, we will share a bonus cancellation letter example and review what your own letter template should include. Communicate changes in bonuses professionally with this template.This letter helps you inform employees of bonus cancellations. We have made the difficult decision to cancel the bonus that was scheduled for the first quarter of 2051. Notice of Bonus Cancellation Letter Template, Bonus Termination Notice, Bonus Withdrawal Letter, Cancellation of Bonus Notification Template. A VaCMS inquiry or print out of a SPIDeR inquiry can serve as documentation. Full-Time Faculty Handbook rings Note: The Handbooks are revised periodically in consultation with the UNC Charlotte Faculty Council. Dear Mr. Ullman: I am writing to inform you that I am withdrawing my application for the program coordinator position. If you choose this option, fill in the check box on Line 35 of Form 763, indicating this type of payment. Full-Time Faculty Handbook rings Note: The Handbooks are revised periodically in consultation with the UNC Charlotte Faculty Council.