This fact sheet provides general information regarding bonuses and the regular rate of pay under the FLSA for non-exempt employees. This employee bonus policy template is ready to be tailored to your company's needs and can be a starting point for setting up your employment policies.Location: Massachusetts, U.S. This isn't for a new hire, but an existing employee. Bonus pay is additional compensation employees receive on top of their regular salary or wages. Montgomery County, PA takes pride in offering an affordable, quality benefits package that helps to protect and support our employees and their families. By tweaking and adding information to this bonus award letter template, you can easily announce bonuses and encourage your employees. The following templates are provided for agency use. You will fill out the form REV-1220 Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate and give it to your vendors. Specific performance goals established for a given program area as outlined in the Department's annual performance plan. It is important to fill out the form carefully and completely.