This fact sheet provides general information regarding bonuses and the regular rate of pay under the FLSA for non-exempt employees. A Pennsylvania employment contract is a written agreement that establishes a working arrangement between an employee and an employer.Employers may use nondiscretionary bonuses and incentive payments (including commissions) to satisfy up to 10 percent of the standard salary level. This Bonus Policy is intended to provide guidelines for the administration of employee bonuses and does not constitute a contract or guarantee of payment. Learn how to run a bonus payroll and accurately calculate bonus pay and taxes with our comprehensive small business guide. 3.5 What types of program staff are not eligible to receive a bonus, wage increase, etc? Generally speaking, bonuses are not paid out unless specified conditions have been met. Some states do not have laws requiring employees to give notice. You could check out salary information for each role you fill and combine the rates. I'm trying to get more info on how the bonus structure is worded in the employee handbook, but this is all the information I have now.