What is a Bonus Plan? A bonus plan is an agreement between the employer and employee to pay out a predetermined amount of money based on performance.A total rewards package that incorporates a variety of strategies, including a one-time merit payment and paid time off for outstanding performance. Annual Bonuses: Paid out in the first quarter of the following fiscal year. This timing allows for a comprehensive review of the previous year's performance. Example: A driver has a preventable accident while driving on the highway and the collector is a passenger in the truck cab. A free consultation to discuss your company's Bonus Plans, Compensation Strategies and your options, or if you just have questions about the possibilities. Apply to Patient Services Representative, Licensed Vocational Nurse, Order Picker and more! Chapter One of this study guide will give you basic information about how to take the SAELFE and instructions on completing your answer sheet. The Employee Resource Toolkit (ERT) housed in the EMPOWER PORTAL provides up-to-date information on district events and activities.