This bonus announcement sample letter may be used as a memo to all workers or to an individual employee. In this article, we discuss how to write a bonus request letter and provide an example letter for you to use as a reference.Want to know how to make your employees feel valued? Select a bonus letter example that truly speaks to them with our template and guide. I am writing to formally request the payment of the unpaid Quakerly bonus, which I believe I am entitled to as per our employment agreement. Bonuses are considered paid when received so it must be included in the employee's income. A bonus is a lumpsum payment that is not a permanent increase to the base salary of the individual and may be granted at the discretion of the President. Under this incentive program, Greg was eligible to receive incentive payments for completing certain work throughout the year. Open the application forms in the table below to view the submittal requirements. In 1976, he co-founded Apple Computer with his early business partner Steve Jobs.