State agencies may use recruitment or retention bonuses to provide additional financial incentives to attract, hire or retain eligible key classified staff. Want to know how to make your employees feel valued?Select a bonus letter example that truly speaks to them with our template and guide. PLAN AHEAD: Dockets fill up. I kindly request that you review my employment records and verify the fulfillment of these criteria. Speaker Regulations: Anyone wishing to speak for or against a Public Hearing item must fill out a card at the entrance to the Council Chamber.. 11.1. Tarrant County College 2011-2012 Catalog. 259. This bonus announcement sample letter may be used as a memo to all workers or to an individual employee. I am pleased to present you with the Fiscal Year 2019 (FY2019) Adopted Budget. On November 14, 2022, the Unites States Trustee ("UST") filed a motion to reopen the case.