NOTICE: Disqualifications and exemptions can be claimed during the pre-registration process. Directions: You must report for jury service unless you: (1) claim an exemption; (2) are disqualified; or (3) choose to postpone your service.Learn how to secure excusal from jury duty in Texas with expert guidance from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan. Visit our page for more info. Failing to show up or respond to your jury summons is not how to avoid jury duty. A jury summons is not an invitation but rather a court order. RE: Excusal From Jury Service (NAME OF SERVICE MEMBER). Dear Sir or Madam: (GRADE AND NAME), a member of the United States Air Force on active duty, has been. Mail requests to: United States District Court, Attn: Jury Section, P.O. Box 61010, Houston, TX 77208. Exemptions. Otherwise, financial hardship could be asked to the judge the court house and they could exempt you.