STATEMENTS. This claim may be used to file for the Homeowners' Exemption for the Assessment Roll and the Supplemental Assessment Roll. You must be the property owner, co-owner, or a purchaser named in a contract of sale.I certify that my above-named employer is exempt from payment of any transient occupancy tax of the City of Riverside per City. To claim the exemption, the homeowner must make a one-time filing with the county assessor where the property is located. Forms ; Change Request Application ; Form Number, Form Name ; 284-288, Application for a Refund ; 284-092, Change of Applicant Request Form. You can get information about your property tax benefits, including: Application status, Current benefit amounts, Proposed benefit for the upcoming tax year. Organizations seeking exemption from New Jersey Sales and Use Tax must complete all steps of the REG-1E application. You may request to be excused from federal service. If the Addendum differs from an item in the rental lease, the Addendum takes precedence. The landlord does not fill out this form.