Use the free New Jersey Online Filing Service to file your 2024 NJ-1040 return. It's simple and easy to follow the instructions, complete your NJ tax return,.(p) The words "political body" shall mean an independent body of electors, as defined in section 801 of this act. Please complete this application and click CONTINUE to apply for a position as an Election Worker. To this end, the EAC is pleased to present to the 117th Congress its report on the 2020 EAVS. GDOL rules and procedures may significantly affect employer or employee rights and obligations. 1 Nonprobationary Police Officers with five or more years service as a police officer who are regularly assigned to. The Voter Registration Office is open from 9 a.m. The Voter Registration Office is open from 9 a.m. To this end, the EAC is pleased to present to the 117th Congress its report on the 2020 EAVS.