First of all find out what are the grounds on which exemption is allowed . If you want a permanent exemption from jury service, please tell the jury services personnel.MODEL PETITION FOR ORDER OF NON-DISCLOSURE. You can be excused from jury service if: You are 75 years of age. Civil and Probate Forms, Vital Statistics Forms, Marriage Licenses requires 15 minutes to process. All of the Federal Employees Program's online forms (with the exception of Forms CA-16 and CA-27) are available to print and to manually fill and submit. Douglas County, Nebraska mobilizes approximately 2,000 poll workers for each county-wide election. It is my sincere hope that this handbook will make it easier for public officials and citizens to understand and comply with the Texas Open. ✓ Set up pollbooks and voting equipment. ✓ Layout necessary paperwork that will be needed throughout the day. 7.