Please type or print in ink. 2. Sign and date the application. 3.This page details what we know about those exemptions so far, when you can apply and what it means for your WA Cares benefit going forward. I certify I am a qualified MD, ND, DO, ARNP, or PA licensed in Washington state, and the information provided on this form is complete and correct. Eligible State of Washington employees may receive a tuition exemption for up to six credits each quarter provided they register on a space available basis. The George Washington University requires all first- and second-year students to reside on campus unless they are approved for a residency exemption. Sample Letter: Request for High-Performance School Exemption. D5. Application for Preliminary Funding Status (Excel). Requesting a Fee Waiver. â–« Private schools are exempt from state park fees for school field trips arranged through the Department of Parks and Monuments.