The law requires filing an FBN Statement with Sacramento County if the principal place of business is out of state and there's no office or store in California. All appeals must be submitted according to the stated requirements and within 15 days of notification of the admission decision or action.Our fully staffed medically supervised detox facilities provide a safe and comfortable environment. Learn about the financial aid implications when you withdraw or drop all of your classes in a semester. If the registrant has no place of business in this state, the notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Sacramento County. Wells Fargo 420 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104. ▫ Applicants must complete ALL of the forms in the application packet. Incomplete forms will not be accepted or processed. Failure to complete all steps in the CCW process six (6) months from the date of the Approval email will result in the withdrawal of your CCW Application. Money shouldn't get in the way of getting a college education.