The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) provides leadership on pay administration for civilian Federal employees. Forms for Employees.The Labor Commissioner investigates complaints of non-payment of wages, State minimum wage, overtime, and prevailing wage disputes. Provides annual pay adjustments for employees under each statutory pay system equal to the annual increase in the Employment Cost-Index (excluding sales). The General Schedule (GS) classification and pay system covers the majority of civilian white-collar Federal employees (about 1.5 million worldwide) NRS 281.1275 Reduction in salary of certain public officers and employees for part-day absence from work prohibited; accounting for part-day absence; exception. When must an employer pay overtime? Federal law requires overtime pay only when an employee works more than 40 hours in a workweek. Employers in Nevada must follow the state's legal regulations when paying employees. Note: Federal employees and applicants for federal jobs have a different complaint process.