To file a complaint online, select the topic below "What's the reason for your inquiry?" on the USPS "Email us" page. File a complaint against a business with BBB, search for a business to file a complaint against, or find out the status of a complaint you submitted.File an Online Complaint. In addition to the webbased public complaint form you can download and complete this pdf version. Law Enforcement Complaint (pdf). This category includes any incident, which presents, or may reasonably be expected to present, no adverse health consequences. File a Complaint with the U.S. Postal Service Use the USPS website's Email Us form. Use our consumer assistance directory and sample complaint letter to file a consumer complaint. Thus if someone wants to file a BBB claim, it would falsely accuse ebay for not coming through. The California Department of Public Health is dedicated to optimizing the health and well-being of Californians.