The plaintiff would be required to fill out a simple bond application, and pay an annual bond premium before the bond is issued. Permanent Injunctive Relief (Civ.​​ Normally a bond is not required but such an injunction normally occurs only after the full trial of the underlying action. Injunctive relief usually takes one of three forms: temporary restraining order (TRO), preliminary injunction, and permanent injunction. Preliminary injunctions help ensure the plaintiff has a fair day in court, and preliminary injunction bonds do the same for the defendants. (e) Members of the bar who have appeared in the case shall not act as a surety in the case. Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee. This Agreement will then be submitted for entry as part of Consent. How to apply for an Injunction Bond? Applying for a preliminary injunction bond or any out sort of injunction bond involves a few simple steps.