Remedies for infringement: Injunctions. (b) Any such injunction may be served anywhere in the United States on the person enjoined; it shall be operative throughout the United States and shall be.The Infringing Track also reproduces a melodic figure from South. Bronx. c. The Infringing Track reproduces a drum fill from South Bronx in. Find out about the legal offices at the Department of Education, the practice areas, and how to report misconduct, sexual harassment or discrimination. This article outlines preliminary injunctions, explains the hearing process, and provides a downloadable sample motion. In Count II, Plaintiffs seek injunctive relief for the alleged copyright infringement. The request for injunctive relief is done through petition to the court. In federal court, a copyright owner may seek a preliminary or permanent injunction to prevent or restrain future or ongoing civil copyright infringement. Confidential, secure access.