A list of our locations can be found in the Contact Information section on this page. During non-business hours, complaints may be directed to BSO's Communications Center at (954) 764-HELP (4357) or any BSO supervisor.When filing a complaint, please explain your problem simply and concisely. Fill out the Form Below for Assistance. Do not including personal health information (PHI) or sensitive medical details when completing this form. If you prefer to file your complaint about quality of care over the phone, please call us at 1-888-419-3456. If you wish to complete an Advance Directive, copies of the official State forms are available at our facility. The Pretrial Services Division is designed to divert criminal defendants from pretrial incarceration. Guide students to appropriate offices for further follow-up as needed. For example, they can assist you administratively and procedurally but are not able to act as your lawyer or give you legal advice.